ROVINS, Jane, E.; DOYLE, Emma E. H.; J HUGGINS, Thomas


The IRDR Conference 2014 encouraged researchers, politicians, practitioners, funding agencies and disaster risk reduction-related organisations to discuss and develop ways to better integrate disaster risk science into policy, practice and sustainability.  The format of the Conference will be a series of plenary sessions dealing with the challenges of implementing integrated research, inter-organisational collaboration, and policy, as well as the interaction with sustainable development activities.  The sessions will address the range of environmental hazards, vulnerability, and sustainability in both global and local contexts.


Planet@Risk Special Issue for the Post-2015 Framework for DRR

This Planet@Risk Special Issue for the Post-2015 Framework for DRR has been prepared as an input for the 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC 2014, to be held 24-28 August 2014 in Davos, Switzerland and shall influence the conference outcome report of the IDRC Davos 2014. The conference outcome report of the IDRC Davos 2014 aims to influence the Post-2015 agenda such as the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction to be discussed at the 3rd United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in March 2015 in Sendai, Japan.