Science & technology into action: Disaster risk reduction perspectives from Asia was published during the 2nd Asian Science and Technology Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction this month in Beijing, China.

This publication “takes forward the 12 action points, adopted at the First Asian Science and Technology Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction as contribution to the global ‘Science and Technology Roadmap’. The publication identifies examples and good practices of implementation of these action points, identifying the role of science and technology in each. This is a unique way of bridging the gap between science and policy” introduced by Ms. Loretta Hieber Girardet, chief of UNISDR Asia and Pacific Region.

As Rajib Shaw and Peijun Shi, the co-chairs of ASTAAG, wrote in the Preface, “Bringing science technology into decisionmaking, and co-design risk reduction solutions is a non-ending process, and hope that this publication will be a good start to focus on the implementation of these twelve actions in long term.”

Download link:  Science & technology into action: Disaster risk reduction perspectives from Asia

Please refer this publication as follow:
Shaw R., S. Yang, E. Chan, and P. Shi. 2018. Science & technology into action: Disaster risk reduction perspectives from Asia. Beijing, China: ASTAAG Secretariat.