5th Regional Platform for DRR in Americas marked the first opportunity for governments and stakeholders to agree on a Regional Action Plan
10 March 2017

The Fifth Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas is the space that brings together key players from North, South, Central America and the Caribbean, involved in disaster risk reduction and resilience building. This is a multi-sectoral and broadly participatory forum that reflects the commitment and concern of the (national, subnational and local) governments, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), international organizations (IOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community organizations, scientific and academic institutions, private sector, donors and the media.

Hosted by the Government of Canada in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the Regional Platform will mark the first opportunity for governments and stakeholders of the Americas to discuss and agree on a Regional Action Plan to support the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 (Sendai Framework).

The main focus of the Fifth Regional Platform for DRR in the Americas will be to discuss how governments, ministers, civil society leaders, technical and scientific institutions, private sector, media could drive the implementation and measurement of the expected outcomes of the Sendai Framework in the Americas. More than 1,000 delegates participated, including policy makers, practitioners, experts and disaster risk managers.


The Regional Platform consists of an intergovernmental segment, technical sessions, parallel and special events where participants will be able to interact and discuss the implementation of the Sendai Framework, best practices and lessons learned. A key feature will be the High-Level segment where Ministers and other high-level authorities will prioritize the DRR agenda for the next two years in the Americas region. A key outcome of this discussion will be the approval of a Regional Action Plan for the Americas.


The Regional Platform will also feature a market place, a photographic exhibit and the Ignite Stage, a place where DRR practitioners present innovative DRR tools and initiatives. The Regional Platform will also offer an opportunity for sub-regional intergovernmental groups and DRR stakeholders to interact and strengthen partnerships and share experiences on the road to meeting the Sendai Framework’s seven global targets. Interested parties from across the Americas can also be part of this conversation by using #SendaiAmericas online.

The Government of Canada and UNISDR remain committed to ensuring inclusive multi-stakeholder consultations in the preparation of the Regional Platform.


The science technology part focused and emphasized the following:

  • Establish and maintain credibility of scientific advices
  • Ability to forecast future state of risk
  • Good evidence base for decision making
  • Realistic scenario for planning, especially for low frequency high consequence events.

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