UNESCO Beijing Office, IRDR and HIST Exchanged on Heritage and DRR
21 February 2023

On February 8th 2023, Ms. Duong Bich Hanh, Programme Specialist of UNESCO China Office, Ms. Ang Li, Consultant for Knowledge Management and Ms. Tana Tongjia, Project Assistant visited Integrated Research on Disaster Risk and The International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST). The three parties made exchanges on reducing disasters risks at internationally designated areas (IDAs) including World Heritage sites, Biosphere Reserves and UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Ms. Hanh introduced UNESCO projects in disaster risk management and heritage protection, in particular with preparation response, post-disaster assessment measurements in align with the Sendai Framework’s advocacy for a culturally-sensitive approach to DRR in general.

Prof. Han Qunli, Executive Director of IRDR-IPO briefed about IRDR’s ten-year’s work (2010-2020) and the future work plans for IRDR Phase II, with a particular focus on IRDR’s plans to work with UNESCO and its HIST to reduce disaster risk at IDAs.

Dr. Lei Luo, introduced the work on assisting UNESCO and its Member States to monitor and evaluate natural and cultural heritage sites and to combat the effects of climate change and natural disasters.

The three parties discussed future cooperation opportunities of integration of disaster risk reduction into the conservation and management of IDAs and associated intangible heritage, including training, capacity building and joint study in traditional knowledge in DRR at IDAs.

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