Rajib Shaw, the IRDR Scientific Committee member and former IRDR Executive Director, was the one of the six laureates of the 2022 United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction at Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022. The winners have been recognized for initiatives which protect vulnerable communities from disaster risk.
As a professor in Keio University, Rajib Shaw teaches and carries out research in the field of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Rajib also chairs the Asia Pacific Science Technology Advisory Group (AP-STAG) and holds several honorary titles on the boards of Japanese NGOs. He has championed multi-hazard community-based disaster risk reduction in six Asian countries, and his work has led to the establishment of village-level community-based working groups.
The Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction focuses on the promotion of inclusive and resilient approaches in disaster risk reduction, reflecting the centrality of inclusiveness and resilience in the Sendai Framework. The 2022 Sasakawa Award honours practices and efforts made by institutions, individuals and groups that have best contributed to building resilience through a multi-hazard approach.
A record number of over 200 nominations from all regions were submitted for the 2022 Sasakawa Award.
Source: https://www.undrr.org/news/2022-sasakawa-award-winners-promote-inclusion-and-protection-vulnerable-people