IRDR and U-INSPIRE Signed MOU to Empower Youth and Young Professionals in DRR
12 March 2024

On December 6, 2023, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk International Programme Office (IRDR IPO) and the Alliance of Youth and Young Professionals on Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation for Disaster and Climate Resilience (U-INSPIRE Alliance) have officially entered into a collaborative Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Professor Qunli HAN, Executive Director of IRDR IPO, and Dr. Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, Secretary-General of U-INSPIRE Alliance, represented their respective organizations.

The agreement aims to empower youth and young professionals through various initiatives, including:

  • Provide capacity building opportunities for youth and young professionals through SETI and DRR training programmes, workshops and conferences targeted towards different regions and countries.

  • Provide a platform where youth and young professionals can contribute towards joint publications in forms of special reports, working papers and policy briefs.

  • Promote on each other's mission and agendas and the accomplishments of research and actions on their respective web portals and in e-Bulletins.

The MOU demonstrates a joint commitment of IRDR and U-INSPIRE to empower youth and young professionals in driving forward for disaster risk reduction and climate resilience.

U-INSPIRE Alliance is a network of youth and young professionals in Asia and the Pacific working in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation to support disaster and climate resilience. IRDR supported the establishment of U-INSPIRE in its early stages. At the General Assembly of U-INSPIRE Alliance in 2023, IRDR was designated as the advisory organization for U-INSPIRE Alliance.


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