Scientific Outputs
06 March 2015
University of South Carolina, 2014 University of South Carolina. 2014. Who needs loss data? Background Paper prepared for the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. Geneva, Switzerland: UNISDR.This paper provides an overview of the los
Scientific Outputs
03 March 2015
UKDC-Resilience is a consortium of four international centres of excellence on hazards, risk and resilience research, all located in the UK: The Cabot Centre, University of Bristol; The Institute of Hazards, Risk and Resilience, Durham University; The Cen
Scientific Outputs
31 January 2015
In this issue of the IRDR newsletter, we feature IRDR in major events such as the Tokyo Conference on International Study for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience,  negotiations towards the post-2015, and regional preparations for 3rd WCDRR.This issue a
Scientific Outputs
30 January 2015
Gall, M., S. L. Cutter, and K. Nguyen (2014). Transformative Development and Disaster Risk Management (IRDR AIRDR Publication No. 4). Beijing: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk.The concept of transformation originated in the human dimensions of global
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