Scientific Outputs
21 January 2016
Integrating scientific research with disaster risk management in support of implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030   Download here: IRDR Brochure_web
Scientific Outputs
08 May 2015
In this issue of the IRDR Newsletter, we feature IRDR at the 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3rd WCDRR) with highlights on the strong recognition of science for DRR in the Sendai Framework for Action. During the 3rd WCDRR, IRDR was inv
Scientific Outputs
23 April 2015
Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma StudiesVolume 19, IRDR Conference Special Issue Published March 2015  This special issue consists of papers with an explicitly social focus which were presented at the Second Integrated Research on Disaster Risk
Scientific Outputs
26 March 2015
 Integrated Research on Disaster Risk. (2014). Guide to Assessing Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR AIRDR Publication No. 1). Beijing: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk.    Gall, M., S. L. Cutter, and K. Nguyen (2014).
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