Co-hosted by UNGRD, which functions as IRDR National Committee for Colombia, on 24-26 November 2014, this 2nd forum of REDULAC created a space for Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) in Latin America and the Caribbean to showcase their contributions to knowledge of disaster risk reduction and DRR management practices. Some 150 delegates from 20 countries across the region shared teaching, social outreach, and research experiences and identified multidisciplinary scientific and academic research topics in DRR priority areas.
A review, conducted by USAID, of the level of interactions of REDULAC members with non-academic stakeholders showed that a long way still needs to be travelled. IRDR, which was represented by the Executive Director, invited the REDULAC community to engage with the joined presentations in Sendai; ICSU’s Regional Office encouraged them to participate in the mapping exercise of DRR research capabilities and profiles in the region.
The three-day event was broadcast live via Internet in both English and Spanish and an anticipated 1,500 or more viewers engaged in simultaneous Q&A sessions with forum participants. As during the 2012 forum – the first of its kind which was held in Panama City – At least 35 universities and other institutions of higher learning, as well as numerous emergency response agencies, expanding the reach of the event tenfold.
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