Yogyakarta declaration on disaster risk reduction in Asia and the Pacific 2012
02 November 2012

A declaration endorsed by Heads of Government, Ministers, and Heads of Delegation of countries in Asia and the Pacific, as an outcome of the Fifth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR), calling on disaster risk reduction (DRR) stakeholders to: (i) participate fully in the consultations leading to the post-2015 Development Agenda and the post-2015 DRR framework; (ii) integrate local level disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into national development planning; (iii) support local risk assessment and financing; (iv) strengthen local risk governance and partnership; (v) build local community resilience; (vi) identify accountability measures for more effective implementation of a post-2015 DRR framework, political commitment to deliver at all levels, awareness, education and public access to information; (vii) build and sustain capacities and legal mandates of national and local governments and the private sector to integrate DRR in land use planning and building disaster-resistant infrastructure; and (viii) implement cross-cutting issues, such as socio-economic vulnerability and exposure, gender, disability and age capacities and cultural diversity.

The participants resolved to incorporate the recommendations of this declaration into policies, strategies, and action plans of Government, as appropriate, and report their implementation at the Sixth AMCDRR in 2014. They also committed to call on international organizations, regional inter-governmental bodies and institutions, national organizations and civil society organizations and their networks to support and accelerate the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, and to facilitate national multi-stakeholder consultations and dialogue in order to contribute to the process towards a post-2015 DRR framework and development agenda.

They invited the Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), host of the Fifth AMCDRR, in coordination with UNISDR Asia Pacific Regional Office (UNISDR AP) and members of the IAP to carry the messages of the Yogyakarta Declaration on DRR to the Fourth Session of the Global Platform on DRR in May 2013 and beyond.

More information can be found on the preventionweb.

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