Scientific Outputs
23 April 2018
Science & technology into action: Disaster risk reduction perspectives from Asia was published during the 2nd Asian Science and Technology Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction this month in Beijing, China.This publication "takes forward the 12 action
Scientific Outputs
21 November 2017
On November 20, Elsevier has launched an important new report, A Global Outlook on Disaster Science, in partnership with global experts and leading international institutions, including IRDR. The report displays an analysis of global disaster science scho
Scientific Outputs
26 October 2017
As IRDR Internatioanl Centre of Excellence for Risk Education and Learning (ICoE-REaL), Periperi U is an Africa-rooted and -led initiative that began in 2006 in five universities in Algeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa and Tanzania. It aims to advance r
Scientific Outputs
26 September 2017
IRDR, CO-DATA and Tonkin+Taylor released a white paper on disaster loss data.The UN Sendai Framework has four goals and seven targets covering global, national and local level disaster risk reduction. The UN General Assembly (Resolution A/71/644, 2 Februa
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