Scientific Outputs
22 September 2016
Download here: [download id="11312"]Forensic Investigations of Disasters (FORIN) has an important new publication: Forensic Investigations of Disasters (FORIN): a conceptual framework and guide to research. It both articulates a conceptual framework for u
Scientific Outputs
18 September 2016
 [download id="12384"]We are pleased share the conference outcome document of the 1st Asian Science and Technology Conference on DRR held on 23-24 august 2016 in Bangkok.The Conference brought together more than 300 senior policy-makers, practitioner
Scientific Outputs
23 August 2016
This publication is developed by a group of individuals from the Asia Science Technology AcademiaAdvisory Group (ASTAAG) with support from researchers, scientists from different countries. A call for submission was made for case studies on application of
Scientific Outputs
22 August 2016
This publication is developed by a group of individuals from the Asia Science Technology AcademiaAdvisory Group (ASTAAG) with support from researchers, scientists from different countries. A call for submission was made for case studies on application of
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