Scientific Outputs
26 July 2019
Disasters disrupt normalcy and present challenges for development policies. The impacts of any disaster–whether triggered by climate change, natural hazards or other man-made events–can be compounded by decisions that intentionally or unintentionally ampl
Scientific Outputs
11 May 2019
This Working Paper Series is a new publication of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), following the decision of the IRDR Scientific Committee in April 2019 to act to …
IRDR Working Papers
11 May 2019
This Working Paper Series is a new publication of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), following the decision of the IRDR Scientific Committee in April 2019 to act to ‘Expand IRDR Network and Scientific Output’ (No. 5 of the IRDR Action Plan 2018-
Scientific Outputs
04 January 2019
At the 3rd Huangshan Dialogue on UNESCO Sites and Sustainable Development, UNESCO HIST and IRDR co-organised the session Disaster Risk Assessment and Mitigation for UNESCO Sites.The session was chaired by Dr. Hans Thulstrup, the Senior Programme Special
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