Scientific Outputs
01 November 2018
Understanding Risk Finance Pacific Forum - VanuatuTonkin + Taylor's Technical Director of DRR and Climate Resilience Dr Bapon Fakhruddin was present at the forum, acting as Speaker on Pacific EWS in a session on Multi-Hazard Impact Based Early Warning Sys
Scientific Outputs
01 November 2018
IRDR, Tonkin+Taylor, and World Weather Research Programme of WMO together published a policy brief [download id="13660"].The policy brief consists of Policy Recommendations, Contexts, Key Elements for a Total Warning System and Ongoing Initiatives.The eff
Scientific Outputs
27 August 2018
September Edition of DRR and Open DATA newsletter is now available for download. It was organized by  Disaster DATA Working Group of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) programme of ICSU/UNISDR, CODATA task group Linked Open Data for Global Disast
Scientific Outputs
27 July 2018
IRDR DATA together with Public Health England, CODATA, Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Tonkin+Taylor released the Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter.The newsletter consists of three parts: DRR and data in news, Publications on
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