Scientific Outputs
26 September 2017
IRDR, CO-DATA and Tonkin+Taylor released a white paper on disaster loss data.The UN Sendai Framework has four goals and seven targets covering global, national and local level disaster risk reduction. The UN General Assembly (Resolution A/71/644, 2 Februa
Scientific Outputs
10 August 2017
This report describes the progress of the Periperi U Consortium of Universities from 01 April – 30 June 2017, as required in terms of USAID Agreement AID-OFDA-G-16-00115. It describes the consortium’s progress with specific reference to the eight key focu
Scientific Outputs
16 June 2017
A study report of the CODATA Task Group on Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research was published recently by IRDR and ICSU CODATA.This report consists of seven chapters as following: Open and Linkable: New Strategies of International Science D
Scientific Outputs
12 May 2017
As discussed during the 16th IRDR Scientific Committee Meeting, IRDR and ICSU proposed to prepare policy briefs for 2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. The aim is to contribute scientific inputs into critical issues for the implementation an