News & Events
Planning group on psychological intervention after disasters meets in Taipei
01 May 2015
The planning group of the 4th regional capacity building workshop on psychological intervention after disasters (PIAD) that will be held in November 2015 met in Taipei (28 and 29 April 2015) to prepare plans for the implementation of the workshop in 2015.
Belmont Call for research proposals: “Mountains as sentinels of change”
01 May 2015
The Belmont Forum has issued a call for funding of international collaborative research to enhance our understanding of mountain ecosystems, related ecosystem services, as well as dynamics linked to hazards, vulnerability, risks, adaptation and resilience
IRDR Ailsa Holloway representing Periperi U at the UN
30 April 2015
On 23 April 2015, Dr Ailsa Holloway from Stellenbosch University South Africa and  IRDR ICoE for Risk Education and Learning (IRDR ICoE-REaL), represented Periperi U as she took part in an ICSU (International Council for Science) delegation for a series o
IRDR’s Shuaib Lwasa at NY conference on “Measuring Sustainable Development”
28 April 2015
The international conference on “Measuring Sustainable Development” was held on 23-24 April 2015 at UN Plaza in New York City to debate the implementation of the evolving Post-2015 Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will
First Vice President of Thai Legislative Assembly Visits IRDR Host Institution RADI
27 April 2015
On the morning of April 24, 2015, a delegation led by First Vice President of the Thai Legislative Assembly SurachaiLiengboonlertchai visited RADI, host institution of IRDR.Deputy Director of RADI Liu Jianbo made an introduction to the two sides’ existing
Science and the SDGs: ICSU leads a delegation to attend meetings in New York
24 April 2015
The Post-2015 Development Agenda is a unique opportunity to set an ambitious, integrated and transformational global agenda for sustainable development that is supported by a strong scientific evidence base. Scientific communities worldwide are mobilising
IRDR ICoE Flagship project meets with municipal leaders
22 April 2015
On 21 April, ICoE Taipei researchers, members of the ICoE International Advisory Board, and the IRDR Executive Director met with representatives of local governments from New Taipei City and from Hsinchu County, who gave briefings of current implementatio
IRDR Advanced Institute kicks-off of at ICoE Taipei
21 April 2015
The 2015 Advanced Institute (AI) on Disaster Risk Reduction and Loss Mitigation in Taipei, Taiwan from 20-25 April provided young to middle-career researchers and practitioners from Southeast Asia with the enhanced understanding, skills and practical know
UNISDR Annual Report 2014
20 April 2015
This 2014 annual report is a mid-term report on the UNISDR 2014-2015 Biennium Work Programme. 2014 was a year in which much time was spent defining the future of disaster risk management. There were major gatherings around the world to weigh up the experi
IRDR SC member at 7th World Water Forum in Daegu, Rep. of Korea
20 April 2015
In 2015, the World Water Forum, the largest water-related event in the world will take place in Daegu, Republic of of Korea. This large-scale international conference, held every three years since 1997, brings together academia, the public sector, NGO’s a
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