[SC15] 5-6 May 2016 – Paris, France
07 May 2021
2016-05-05 09:00 to 2016-05-06 18:00
Paris, France

Click [SC15] SC Meeting_Participants List_5-6 May 2016 Paris[SC15] SC Meeting Agenda 5-6 May 2016 Paris

Note: Agenda items 5.1, 7.1 ,7.2, 7.3, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.2.1, 15.3.1, 16.2.1, 16.3.1, 17.1.1, 17.2.1, 17.3.1, 17.4.1, 18.1 have PowerPoint Presentations which are listed with links and in the agenda’s numerical order.

Agenda Item 1: Welcome

Lead: Shuaib LWASA (SL)

  • 1.1: The SC Chair (SL) opened the meeting.
  • 1.2: On behalf of ICSU, AS provided a welcome speech to all participants.

Agenda Item 2: Changes to and Approval of the Agenda

Lead: Shuaib LWASA (SL)

  • 2.1: The IRDR SC Chair presented the agenda for the 15th SC meeting.
  • 2.2: The SC approved the revised agenda.

Agenda Item 3: Introductions

  • 3.1: New SC members (VM, CP, CU, JH) and other participants introduced themselves
  • 3.2: Apologies SC members: Claudine Uwera (CU); Sálvano Briceño (SB); Haruo Hayashi (HH)

Agenda Item 4: 14th SC Business

Lead: William PATON (WP)

  • 4.1: The IRDR ED (WP) presented the draft report from the 14th SC meeting.
  • 4.2: WP reviewed the action points from the 14th SC report and led a discussion of follow-up.
  • 4.3: The SC briefly reflected on the programme over the past 5 years and considered this transition period with support from ICSU, ISSU and UNISDR.
  • 4.4: WP mentioned how coordination is important for IRDR’s contribution to the roadmap.
  • 4.5: The SC members believed that policies need a greater impact.
  • Action Points
    • 4.a: The IPO is to send a short meeting minute within a few weeks of the 14th SC meeting. The minute should include a list of action points. (LL) Completed.
    • 4.b: The SC suggested holding a pre-session before the SC meeting in future. (IPO) On-going
    • 4.c: All information should be collected on the IRDR website. (IPO-X) On-going.
    • 4.d: The SC will propose an agenda item for the global platform on global networking. (SC) On-going
    • 4.e: Clear lessons from the past 5 years should be analysed and evaluated by the Review Panel. (ZO) On-going

Agenda Item 5:IPO updates and questions

Lead: William PATON (WP)

  • 5.1: IPO PowerPoint Link
  • 5.2:  WP proposed that IRDR focuses more in future on scientific advice to decision-makers at national level, aiming to double the spread of the IRDR network from 30 to 60 countries.
  •  5.3: WP also advocated that the 4 working groups reach out more to policy-makers.
  • 5.4:  Inviting policy-makers to attend relevant activities of IRDR is a significant shift in strategy that can be pursued through a new project with new funding.
  • 5.5: WP led the SC through a quick review of the budget.
  • Action Points
    • 5.a: The definition of “impact” should be clarified; how can we measure the impact of IRDR? (SC) On-going
    • 5.b: The communication structure of IRDR should be strategically developed to contribute a strong connection for impact. (IPO) On-going
    • 5.c: Responsibilities of national, regional committees and ICoEs should be defined and matched to the goals of IRDR and the Sendai Framework.
    • 5.d.: The difference between IRDR and Future Earth should be addressed by ICSU. (AS) On-going
    • 5.e: The mechanism and networks of IRDR should be discussed and structured. (IPO) On-going
    • 5.f: The proposal to increase IRDR’s emphasis on advice to decision-makers was generally supported. (IPO) On-going
    • 5.g: Changing the brand name of IRDR is to be considered. (IPO) On-going

Agenda Item 6: Application of Pakistan to form a National Committee

Lead: Shuaib LWASA (SL)

  • 6.1: The SC members reviewed the application of Pakistan
  • 6.2: The SC members did not consider the organisation as an ICoE or NC, however it was decided Pakistan is an important country to develop networking.
  • 6.3: The application documents should include more information in the future.
  • Action Points
    • 6.a: MP will visit the organisation in Pakistan and give feedback to the SC members. On-going
    • 6.b: SHMF and VM (bodies in Pakistan relevant to health DRR can help with this application) will provide further connections. On-going
    • 6.c: The IPO may invite the organisation to join us in the next SC meeting. (IPO) On-going
    • 6.d: WP replys with above action points and test the new model of a 1 year transition period to becoming an NC. Completed.

Agenda Item 7: Critical reflection I – Open to all participants

Lead: Zenda OFIR (ZO)

  • 7.1: ICSU IRDR Review Design for SC sharing
  • 7.2: IRDR Review Questions FINAL
  • 7.3: ICSU IRDR Description for SC sharing
  • Action Points
    • 7.a: The role and duties (e.g. capacity and resources) of IPO should be defined (e.g. fundraising, its values and providing training). (IPO) On-going
    • 7.b: IRDR requires more professional designs/marketing materials for publications (including for email, Linked In, Twitter, brochure, PPTs). (IPO-X) On-going
    • 7.c: The Review Panel will deliver a report on IRDR. (ZO) On-going
    • 7.d: Identifying the outcomes of IRDR and the links between policy and science is key. (IPO) On-going
    • 7.e: Clarifying the ownership of the co-sponsors as well as their responsibilities and expected support from them is important. (IPO) On-going

Agenda Item 8: Critical reflection II – Only SC members

  • 8.1: This section was not open to all present.
  • Action points
    • The review panel will provide a report. (ZO) On-going

Agenda Item 9: The outcomes of the ISDR/STAG conference on science and technology

Lead: Virginia MURRAY (VM)

Agenda Item 10: SEI on transforming development and disaster risk initiative

Lead: HAN Guoyi (HG)

  • 10.1: SEI bridging science and policy Power Point Link
  • 10.2: Expecting to partner and work closely with IRDR for instance at the November Asian Ministerial Conference in India. (Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR))
  • Action Points
    • 10.a: The SC to produce “evidence-based risk assessments and their implementation to support the practical application of risk assessment” (Co-authors: AB; CP; IAA; AD; SL; VJD; VM). (SHMF-lead) On-going
    • 10.b: IRDR to work closely with the ASTAAG. (IPO) On-going
    • 10.c: The SC to produce “State of the art of Science for the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre Report 2017” for the European Commission, working with DRMKC. (VM- lead) On-going

Agenda Item 11: GADRI discussion possible IRDR/GADRI synergy

Lead: Andrew COLLINS (AC)

  • 11.1: IRDR – GADRI Discussion Session 6th May 2016
  • Action Points
    • 11.a: The IPO will follow up the Third Global Summit in March 2017. (IPO) On-going
    • The IPO to work closely with GADRI in different ways, particularly partnering for the expansion of national scientific advisory capacities to include a larger number of countries. (IPO) On-going

Agenda Item 12: Project to scale up IRDR national scientific advisory capacities in 3 regions

Lead: Anne-Sophie STEVANCE (AS)

  • 12.1: AS explained the main purpose of the project is to foster national scientific advisory capacities on DRR.
  • Action Points
    • 12.a: IRDR to work closely with the 3 ICSU regional offices on this. (IPO) On-going

Agenda Item 13: Risk reduction in One Belt One Road corridors

Lead: CUI Peng (CP)

Agenda Item 14: RADI update

Lead: LIU Jie (LJ)

Agenda Item 15: DATA update

  • 15.1: Data Update. (William PATON)


    • 15.1.1: Virginia Murray (VM) and Bapon Fakhruddin (SHMF) Were Selected as New Co-Chairs of DATA
  • Action Points
    • A handover meeting with Sisi Zlatanova previous co-chair arranged. (VM & SHMF) Completed
  • 15.2: FORIN update (Anthony OLIVER-SMITH (AOS) )
    • 15.2.1: FORIN Power Point Link
    • 15.2.2: FORIN has an offer from Oxford University Press to produce an online handbook.
    • 15.2.3: FORIN is nearing the final draft of the translation to Spanish version.
    • 15.2.4: The SC suggested putting FORIN online in different languages
  • Action Points
    • 15.2.a: VM to provide possible links relevant to health for FORIN. (VM) Completed
    • 15.2.b: The IPO to request an ISBN for FORIN II. (IPO-X) On-going
    • 15.2.c: The IPO to put FORIN II on PreventionWeb (UN). (IPO-X) Completed
    • 15.2.d: The IPO to provide a detailed hits data for FORIN II from the IRDR website. (IPO-X) On-going
    • 15.2.e: FORIN to update the potential opportunity to apply the methodologies for the earthquake in Ecuator. (FORIN) On-going
  • 15.3: RIA Update (Mark PELLING (MP))
  • Action Points


    • 15.3.a: VM requested more information about RIA over the past 5 years. (AB & SHMF) On-going
    • 15.3.b: AB will share the online link for the survey form for NC/IC/ICoE and others to response. An assessment will be conducted based on the results to support global and regional enhancement of SFDRR.  (AB & SHMF) completed
  • 15.4: The SC reconsidered the AIRDR working project and selected new Co-Chairs: Virginia Jimenez-Diaz and Shuaib LWASA

Agenda Item 16:

  • 16.1: IRDR Iran Report (Lead: Mohsen GHAFORY-ASHTIANY (MGA))


    • 16.1.1: MGA provided a brief introduction of the institution in Iran.
    • 16.1.2: MGA commented that scientists have produced many papers but implementation of their recommendations is still low in Iran.
    • 16.1.3: IRDR is the key programme to translate knowledge to policy.
    • 16.1.4: Introducing IDRIM in Iran.
  • Action Points
  • 16.2: IRDR China PowerPoint Link (CHEN Fang (CF))
  • Action Points
    • 16.2.a: IPO to send all Power Point presentations to all participants. (LL) Completed
  • 16.3: IRDR Japan report (Akiyuki KAWASAKI (AK))

Agenda Item 17:

  • 17.1: ICoE-REaL (Ailsa HOLLOWAY (AH))
  • Action Points
    • 17.1.a: The IPO to map the work of the ICoEs, NCs and RCs to IRDR’s mission. (IPO. SC) On-going
  • 17.2: ICoE-CI & SP (Jörn BIRKMANN (JB))
  • Action Points
    • 17.2.a: The IPO to send the list of ICoEs, NCs and RC to MP. (LL) On-going
    • 17.2.b: The IPO will prepare a strategic proposal with other ICoEs and explore more collaboration among ICoEs. (IPO) On-going
  • 17.3: ICoE-Taipei (Candice LUNG (CL))
    • 17.3.1: IRDR ICoE Taipei Power Point Link
    • 17.3.2: The SC members suggested having a separate meeting for ICoEs, RC and NCs
    • 17.3.3: The SC considers that ICoE Taipei has developed the Flagship project very well
  • Action Points
    • 17.3.a: The IPO to follow up the Flagship project. (IPO) On-going
  • 17.4: ICoE-RIA (Amy DONOVAN (AD))
  • Action Points
    • 17.4.a: The IPO to discuss a project focusing on partnerships that might very helpful and increase the brand of IRDR. (IPO) On-going

Agenda Item 18: TC Winston warning and response activities in Fiji


  • 18.1: Development of a Pre-Impact Assessment Tools
  • 18.2: SHMF informed the pre-impact and rapid mapping would be useful for any country prone to cyclone/typhoon and is an ideal way to apply science, engineering and institutional engagement for disaster risk reduction.
  • Action Points
    • 18.a: The IPO to follow up the August meeting in Asian with AH. (IPO) On-going
    • 18.b: The IPO may consider to create a formal cite of IRDR to increase the brand of IRDR. (IPO) On-going

Agenda Item 19: Closing

Lead: Shuaib LWASA (SL)

  • 19.1: HH and VS thanked all participants at the meeting and appreciated their re-engagement and the commitment.
  • 19.2: HH mentioned a funding opportunity from science education. The chair highlighted the importance of evidence-based review for the Sendai Framework and the global platform.
  • 19.3: LIU Jie confirmed the funding is in place for next fiscal year.
  • Action Points
    • 19.a: LIU Jie will confirm the location and LIU Jie will confirm dates (November) of the 16th SC Meeting. (LIU Jie) On-going
    • 19.b: The IPO to create a strategic proposal to link decision-makers with ICSU scientific advisors and others in the 3 regions. The first meeting can be held at the regional level, most likely in Asia, followed by workshops at the sub-regional level. (IPO) On-going
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