PPT on the 7th SC Meeting Agenda
7th SC meeting Attachments
1.1 List of Participants
1.2 CVs of new members
1.3 List of SC Members
1.4 Practical Arrangements
2.1 Summary Report of the 6th Meeting
3.1 PPT on Annual Report 2011
3.2 Fellowships Programmes
3.3 Development of IRDR Databases
3.4 Belmont Grant
4.1 Strategic Plan
5.1 List of events
5.2.1 Events Calendar
5.2.2 Upcoming events
5.3 Rio+20 Science Forum update
5.4 ICSU Grant
6.1 DATA work plan
7.1 RIA work plan
8.1 AIRDR Summary
9.1 ToR for IRDR National Committee
10.1 FORIN work plan
12.1 SIDA Grant
12.2 IUGG Proposal
12.3 Towards a Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
12.4 Report WSSFellows
14.1 Proposal on Risk and Prep Standard
15.1 ToR for ICoE
15.2 ICoE 2012
15.3 ICoE Update
SC Meeting Power Points
4. IRDR New Zealand
5. IRDR Japan
6. Disaster Recovery and Resilience
7. FORIN Workplan
8. CEODE Updates
9. IRDR Japan – Proposal of establishing “Standard Scale of Measuring Risk and Preparedness”
10. Recovering, Rediscovering, Updating of the Local Risk Culture
11. Advanced Institute on Forensic Investigations of Disasters
12. CODATA Updates
13. GEM Workplan