Scientific Outputs
08 October 2021
McBean, G.A., P. Kovacs, J.A. Voogt, G.A. Kopp 2021 Building climate resilient communities: Living within the Earth's carrying capacity. SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant Report, April 2021, 57 pp.
Scientific Outputs
09 June 2021
IRDR Compilation 2010-2020, a comprehensive and sound record of IRDR and its work over the past 10 years, was launched during the opening session of the IRDR 2021 conference on June 8th.
IRDR Working Papers
16 December 2020
This Working Paper Series is a new publication of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), following the decision of the IRDR Scientific Committee in April 2019 to act to…
Scientific Outputs
13 November 2020
Through Science Council of Japan.  This report is a product of IRDR working group 6 on “Online Synthesis System” based on the discussion at Japan NC.
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