News & Events
AFAC14 Research Forum opened successfully in Wellington
09 September 2014
[caption id="attachment_7491" align="alignleft" width="620"] AFAC14 - conference opening, Wellington (Photo: BNH CRC)[/caption]Reflecting a growing interest in all hazards research, the demand for places has exceeded supply of seats for the Research Forum
IRDR attends session on building code and safer buildings in DAVOS
08 September 2014
The 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2014 held last August featured a session on “Building Code and its implementation for safer buildings” which was organized by UNESCO and attended by IRDR Science Committee member Djillali Benou
DRR Training for teachers in South-Eastern Europe
06 September 2014
The “Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe” or DPPI SEE, headquartered in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) organized a Disaster Risk Reduction for Teachers Training Course under its twinning mode of event profiles. Foll
Core Project "Risk Interpretation of Action" (RIA) expands with new Associated Project ("Transformative Knowledge Network")
05 September 2014
IRDR’s Core Project "Risk Interpretation of Action" (RIA) expanded with the successful grant application under ISSC's (International Social Science) Programme "Transformations to Sustainability". The “Transformative Knowledge Network on Context, Culture a
Open Data for Open Science: RADI head Huadong Guo chairs workshop at ICSU General Assembly
04 September 2014
The Open Data for Open Science last 1 September in New Zealand explored open data concepts and practices and looked at how the challenges and benefits of open data are being met around the world. RADI Head and President of CODATA, Prof. Huadong Guo chaire
Canadian climate scientist is new President of the International Council for Science (ICSU)
03 September 2014
Professor Gordon McBean, an internationally recognized meteorologist and climate change expert, today became the new President of the International Council for Science (ICSU).At the conclusion of the organization's 31st General Assembly in Auckland, McBea
South African mathematician elected as next President of the International Council for Science (ICSU)
03 September 2014
South African mathematician elected as next President of the International Council for Science Professor Daya Reddy, an internationally recognized mathematician from South Africa, today became the new President-elect of the International Council for Scien
IRDR Host Institution among global top-10 UN Big Data Climate Challenge winners
02 September 2014
The United Nations (UN) announced the winners of the “Big Data Climate Challenge” today, revealing that a project titled “Big Earth Observation Data for Climate Change Research” by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy
Call for Applications: CDKN Climate Compatible Development Impact Research Fund
01 September 2014
The launch of CDKN’s new international research fund aims to fill priority research gaps and address key questions relating to aspects of climate compatible development (CCD). There are affinities with IRDR's research agenda on resilience and vulnerabilit
IRDR Strategy Meeting of ICSU bodies
31 August 2014
On the sidelines of the ICSU General Assembly in Auckland, IRDR convened a strategy meeting of ICSU bodies. Facilitated by IRDR Executive Director R. Klein, the meeting heard a presentation by ICSU’s incoming president and IRDR founding chair, Gordon McBe
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