News & Events
IDRC Davos: IRDR SC Djillali Benouar speaks on the role of S&T in DRR
30 August 2014
The 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference (5th IDRC) in Davos last 24-28 August under the theme "Integrative Risk Management - The role of science, technology & practice” featured a special panel on the role of Science and Technology in Disas
Science advice to governments comes of age at Auckland conference
29 August 2014
Responding to the increasingly global nature of societal challenges, practitioners of science advice to governments formed a global network to share practice and strengthen their ties, at the first global conference on science advice to governments, which
Gathering of government science advisors in Auckland (NZ) calls for greater openness of scientific communities to interaction with policy-making
28 August 2014
Convened by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and hosted by New Zealand’s Chief Science Advisor, Sir Peter Gluckman, this first global conference on science advice to governments brought together some 200 participants including science advisors
AAAS Science and Diplomacy workshop hears on Disaster Risk Science as a core area for collaboration
27 August 2014
Co-chaired by Dr. Vaughan Turekian, Editor-in-Chief of the AAAS Journal Science and Diplomacy, and the CE of New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the science and diplomacy symposium held in Auckland, New Zealand today, 27th August, explored
IRDR Colombia promotes interaction between academia and DRM practitioners
26 August 2014
The National Committee of Disaster Risk Knowledge: National Unit for Disaster Risk Management of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia (Unidad Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, UNGRD), had been approved by the IRDR Scientific Committee in
IRDR discusses progress with WMO Working Group on Societal and Economic Research Applications of WWRP
26 August 2014
In 2012, IRDR and the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) of WMO signed a working arrangement to jointly support the activities of the Working Group on Societal and Economic Research and Applications (WG SERA) of the WWRP for which the research priori
Integrated Disaster Risk Science as a Tool for Sustainability: IRDR in panel on key conferences at IDRC Davos 2014
25 August 2014
The 5th IDRC Davos 2014’s first Plenary Session (Outcomes of Recent International Disaster Risk Reduction/ Management Conferences) offered a platform for some major conferences on DRR which have been held within the first six months of 2014 to provide inp
IRDR Canada member holds national Risks and Hazards Network Symposium
25 August 2014
The Canadian Risk and Hazards (Knowledge and Practice) Network, a member of IRDR Canada, held its 11th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium on 22-24 October 2014 in Toronto, Canada, following the 5th Annual Roundtable on Canada's Platform fo
Uncertainty perceptions in severe weather warning: IRDR Germany host participates in WEXICOM project
23 August 2014
The World Weather Open Science Conference 2014, held on 16-21 August 2014 in Montreal, Canada, heard results from the German WEXICOM project, presented by Thomas Kox, project lead researcher at Institute of Meteorology of Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Call for Applications for Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) International Fellowship Programme
22 August 2014
The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) offers a package of international fellowships, collectively called the “CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI)”, to support highly-qualified international scientists and postgraduate students to wo
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