[SC22]8-10 October 2019 (Xiamen, China)
07 May 2021
2019-10-08 09:00 to 2019-10-10 18:00
Xiamen, China

22nd IRDR Scientific Committee Meeting

8-10 October 2019

Xiamen, China

Note: The items in blue could be downloaded.

Basic Document


Day 1

Item 1. Opening and Welcome

Item 2. Approval of Agenda

Item 3. Reports from Co-sponsors/Host/IPO

Item 4. Panel of Working Groups

Item 5. Risk KAN

Item 6. NCs/ICoEs Reports

Day 2

Item 7. Seminar on Hazard Terminology and Classification

Day 3

Item 8. Future Research Agenda on DRR toward 2030 – Risk-informed Development in the context of UN agendas for 2030

Item 9. Compilation of IRDR 10-year’s work and 2020 IRDR Conference

Item 10. Wrap up (including next SC Meeting)

Related Meetings
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15 October 2021
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