News & Events
ICoE for Vulnerability & Resilience Metrics responds to flooding
10 October 2015
This week both US Carolina States experienced one of the most intense and long-lasting rainstorms in recorded history causing widespread and dangerous flooding.  IRDR's ICoE-VaRM, led by former IRDR SC member Susan Cutter, based at the University of South
Periperi U leads DRR in higher education session at ANIE conference
05 October 2015
ANIE - the African Network for the Internationalization of Education - convenes their conference October 7-9th in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The 6th ANIE conference is co-organized by Periperi U (IRDR ICoE-REaL based at Stellenbosch University in South Afri
Oct 31 deadline to submit a session proposal for 23rd Pacific Science Congress
21 September 2015
With the theme, Science, Technology and Innovation: Building a sustainable future in Asia and the Pacific, the 23rd Pacific Science Congress will be held at the Academia Sinica in Taipei on June 13-17. Deadline for session proposals is October 31.
New IcoE report: FireSmart guidelines for Canada's wildfires
21 September 2015
"Risk Reduction Status of Homes Reconstructed Following Wildfire Disasters in Canada" is a new report from Alan Westhaver and the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR)  and the first study released since ICLR was selected as an IRDR ICoE for Di
Newly released IRDR newsletter foregrounds activities supporting the Sendai Framework
14 September 2015
This issue of the IRDR newsletter leads off with a review of the 4+2 formula and highlights IRDR family activities that support the 4+2 formula from May through August.It also covers activities of Scientific Committee (SC) members, IRDR Working Groups, In
Sign on to the Our Common Future Conference Outcome Statement
10 September 2015
At the culmination of July's Our Common Future Under Climate Change (CFCC15) (see IRDR July 10 news) conference which convened close to 2000 academics from almost 100 countries, an outcome statement was issued that explains that “to limit warming to 2°C,
PERIPERI U Leads DRR session at 6th ANIE Annual Conference
07 September 2015
From 7-9 October 2015, the 6th ANIE (African Network for Internationalization of Education) Annual Conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania will bring together multi-level stakeholders in Higher Education and Internationalisation. The conference theme, “Movi
Post-bushfire: Gaining knowledge after the disaster
01 September 2015
Research funded under the programme of Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centres (BNHCRC), the IRDR National Committee for Australia, has produced a range of new publications during July and August 2015.David Bruce, Communication manager a
SC Chair David Johnston appointed to HiWeather Scientific Committee
31 August 2015
Beginning in 2016, David Johnston will become co-chair of the Scientific Steering Group (SSC) of the High Impact Weather Project (HIWeather) working alongside Metservice and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). HiWeather is a ten-year project spon
Periperi U Community Risk Assessment Short Course 16-20 November 2015
28 August 2015
Stellenbosch University, a partner of the Periperi U consortium, will be hosting their well regarded Community Risk Assessment Short course. For more information and to register click here. Key Content Areas: Role of CRA in development planning/ risk redu
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