News & Events
Professor Saini Yang Appointed as the New Executive Director of IRDR
08 July 2024
IRDR Introduction Video
23 May 2023
Agreement on IRDR Phase II became effective on May 11 2023
16 May 2023
SC Chair David Johnston appointed to HiWeather Scientific Committee
31 August 2015
Beginning in 2016, David Johnston will become co-chair of the Scientific Steering Group (SSC) of the High Impact Weather Project (HIWeather) working alongside Metservice and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). HiWeather is a ten-year project spon
Periperi U Community Risk Assessment Short Course 16-20 November 2015
28 August 2015
Stellenbosch University, a partner of the Periperi U consortium, will be hosting their well regarded Community Risk Assessment Short course. For more information and to register click here. Key Content Areas: Role of CRA in development planning/ risk redu
IRDR ICoE VaRM: New version of US county-level hazard loss data set
26 August 2015
The IRDR International Centre of Excellence ion Vulnerability and Resilience Metrics led by Susan Cutter at the University of South Carolina recently announced the latest version of the SHELDUS database (SHELDUS™ 14.0). SHELDUS™ is a county-level hazard l
Sept.1 abstract deadline for NEEDS conference in Copenhagen
24 August 2015
The interdisciplinary research project Changing Disasters has a September 1 deadline for the conference’s Call for Papers. They are hosting the first Northern European conference on emergency and disaster studies which will be held at the University of Co
IRDR France relaunches WG Networks and Natural Disasters
21 August 2015
In 2008, AFPCN (Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles), which functions as IRDR National Committee for France, established a Working Group that studied the vulnerability of networks in the face of natural hazards. A report w
BNHCRC and partners deliver training on emergency management in Australia
20 August 2015
The Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, which functions as IRDR National Committee Australia, AFAC and a number of NGO and civil society partners, among them the Australian Red Cross, will together deliver services on behalf of Emergency Management Australi
Words Into Action - topics under development by UNISDR
19 August 2015
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, adopted at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction on 18 March 2015 in Sendai, Japan, calls upon the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) to facilitate cons
Aug. 28 deadline to apply - Training Workshop on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation; 23 Nov - 4 Dec Sanya, China
19 August 2015
Attention early- and mid-career scientists from developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America wishing to increase scientific knowledge of disaster mitigation and space technology. Applications due August 28,2015 for the 3rd International Training
Host of new ICoE convenes city risk modeling workshop
17 August 2015
The interdisciplinary Institute of Spatial and Regional planning (IREUS) at University of Stuttgart, Germany, who are the founding coordinator and host of the IRDR ICoE on Critical Infrastructures and Strategic Planning (CI&SP) convened on 15 to 17 Ju
New Zealand: Disaster hub opens on Wellington campus
12 August 2015
A one-stop shop for disaster risk reduction and emergency management was officially launched today on Massey University’s Wellington campus.The Disaster Hub, being launched by the Joint Centre for Disaster Research, provides a facility for collaboration b