News & Events
Professor Saini Yang Appointed as the New Executive Director of IRDR
08 July 2024
IRDR Introduction Video
23 May 2023
Agreement on IRDR Phase II became effective on May 11 2023
16 May 2023
IPO welcomes visitors from the UK, Belgium, and China
24 June 2015
Two sets of visitors dropped by the IPO Wednesday afternoon to learn more about IRDR’s research programme. First a group of specialists from the UK and China that focus on agriculture and insects visited; they were followed immediately by a delegation fro
IRDR has a strong presence at the 26th IUGG General Assembly
23 June 2015
The IRDR programme is well represented at the 26th IUGG General Assembly held in Prague, the Czech Republic, from 22 June to 2 July 2015. The scientific part of the meeting was themed “Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generation”. Several IRDR
IRDR’s R. Klein speaks at WMO-WWRP event on seasonal to sub-seasonal predictability of monsoons
22 June 2015
In the context of the MoU between IRDR and WWRP/WCRP’s SERA Working Group, R. Klein attended and spoke at the workshop on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) predictability of monsoons, held on 22 - 24 June 2015 at the National Institute of Meteorological Rese
IRDR Supports strengthened Role of S&T at ISDR Asia Partnership Meeting
20 June 2015
The first ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting post-Sendai was held on 3-5 June 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. IRDR was represented by IRDR Science Committee (SC) member, S.H.M. Fakhruddin, and Executive Director, Rudiger Klein, for the first and second half o
Beijing: International Workshop on global geo-information for sustainability science
19 June 2015
This international workshop held in Beijing on 9-10 June 2015 was convened jointly with a number of ICSU-related Chinese networks and organisations, and others, such as the National Disaster Reduction Center of China, the National Geomatics Center of Chin
Nature publishes "Pool knowledge to stem losses by disasters" by IRDR colleagues
18 June 2015
Susan Cutter, and four other members of IRDR’s Scientific Committee (Irasema Alcántara-Ayala, Salvano Briceño, David Johnston, Kuniyoshi Takeuchi), plus many other members of the extended IRDR research family jointly authored an article published in June’
IRDR Germany / DKKV at 12th bonn dialogues on risk of flooding in Rhein region
17 June 2015
The event, jointly organised with the municipality of Bonn and United Nations University EHS, initially reviewed measures taken to prevent flooding, including institutional innovation and new forms of collaboration and news structures of response teams in
IRDR SC members at New Zealand Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction
16 June 2015
The Government of New Zealand organized on 15-16 June 2015 the “New Zealand Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction” to review the Sendai Framework for implementation. With more than 300 participants from different sectors attending – among them IRDR SC memb
IRDR NC Australia: new publications posted online
15 June 2015
Bushfire and Natural hazards Cooperative research Centre (BNH CRC), which also functions as the IRDR National Committee for Australia, has presented a number of new publications, including several reports and journal papers.A scoping study from the Capabi
ICSU Regional Office for Africa: IRDR joins review of science plan for hazards and disasters
13 June 2015
[caption id="attachment_10308" align="alignright" width="200"] ROA science plan review workshop participants[/caption]As part of IRDR co-sponsor ICSU’s review of the profile and operations of its regional offices (ROs), it is reviewing and updating the RO