News & Events
RADAR Short Course on Community Risk Assessments – Apply by 8th June 2015
27 May 2015
From 29 June – 3 July 2015, Stellenbosch University, member of the Periperi U consortium (IRDR International Centre of Excellence for Risk Education and Learning - ICoE REaL) will be hosting a short course training session on Community Risk Assessments, f
FORIN study on Typhoon Morakot included in UNISDR STAG Publication
27 May 2015
A recent collection compiled by UNISDR’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) in 2015 includes an article about a FORIN-style case study by IRDR ICoE Taipei by Tony C. Liu from the Academy of Sciences located in Taipei, China, and Wei-Sen Li (NS
Regional DRR workshop convened by Colombia’s IRDR National Committee and ICoE in Understanding Risk and Safety
25 May 2015
More than 700 participants registered for the Interdisciplinary Symposium on Adaptation and Local Management of Disaster Risk held May 25-27, 2015 at the National University in Manizales, Colombia.Participants are gathering from the region as well as Euro
IRDR Communications Officer returns to the Philippines
22 May 2015
The IRDR Communications Officer, Charina Cabrido, is returning to her home country after 1,5 years of service at the IRDR International Programme Office (IPO) in Beijing, China. After serving in several communications functions at the Asian Development B
Iran's DRR science moving closer to IRDR
21 May 2015
On the sidelines of the 7th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering held in Tehran, Iran, the founding group for an Iranian IRDR National Committee convened in Tehran on 19 May 2015.The initiative to establish a National Committe
IRDR’s R. Klein at UN-agencies session during SEE7
20 May 2015
The organisers of the 7th International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering held in Tehran, Iran, from 18 to 21 May 2015, convened a panel session on implementing the Sendai Framework for Action entitled “Science and Technology – from Theo
Dr. Anne Castleton joins IRDR’s IPO as the new Science Officer
19 May 2015
On Anne’s first day at the IPO, she was warmly greeted by staff and briefly toured the impressive RADI building that houses the IRDR IPO. She sat down immediately with outgoing communications officer Charina Cabrido to understand the inner workings of IRD
IRDR at Shakhes Pajouh Engineering Institute, Isfahan
18 May 2015
(18 May, 2015) - IRDR’s Rudiger Klein gave a presentation today on the mission, structure and ambitions of the global IRDR programme at Shakhes Pajouh Engineering Institute of Natural Hazards in Isfahan, Iran.The Shakhes Pajouh Engineering Institute of Na
King’s College London is hiring a lecturer in Geography - Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk
17 May 2015
Based at the Strand Campus with its vibrant mix of academic disciplines, this appointment is part of a longer-term investment strategy to provide additional expertise in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The post will be situated in t
APEC Philippines 2015 hosts Expert WG Emergency Preparedness
14 May 2015
After almost two decades, the Philippines will host and chair the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2015 and convene the APEC Senior Officials (SOM2) on 10-21 May 2015. One among the wide-range of topics to be discussed will be emergency preparedne
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