SC13 Summary Report
Annex 4 SC13 Action Items
SC 13 Meeting Presentation List
organized in the order of the published agenda
Note: Agenda items 1,2,4,5,9,10 had no presentations
3: Review of Outcomes of the 3rd WCDRR
3.1_IRDR @ 3rd WCDRR _Morris/Klein
6: IRDR and the IPO Hosting Environment
6.1_RADI update June1 2015 Liu Jie
6.2_ IRDR IPO Presentation_1 June 2015 Castleton/Klein
7: Development of IRDR Bodies (Pt. 1)
7.4_ICoE proposal on Critical Infrastructures and Strategic Planning_ Birkmann
8: Reports / Previews from Co-Sponsors
8.1.1: ICSU anticipates results of external ICSU global review_Young
11: Reports from IRDR Working Groups (DATA, FORIN, RIA)
11.1_IRDR Data Project June 2015_Cutter
11.2_FORIN 2015 report_Alcántara-Ayala
11.3_RIA update June 2015_Bostrom
12: Reports/Previews from IRDR ICoEs
12.3_ICoE_Taipei June 2015_Shih-Chun Candice Lung
12.4_ICoE-REaL June 2015_Robyn Pharaoh
12.5: IRDR ICoE-CR June 2015 David Johnston
12.6: IRDR ICoE-VaRM June 2015_Susan Cutter
12.8_ICoE-Taipei & IRDR Japan Flagship project
13: Reports from IRDR NCs
13.1: IRDR Japan: Tsukahara (short film on Tokyo Conference)
14: Reports from Regional Activities
14.2: Alcántara-Ayala report on ICSU ROLAC DRR Activities
14.21: Jiménez Díaz report on identifying existing LAC DRR research and institutions
14.3: Fakhruddin report on Antalya Expert Forum
14.4: Wei-Sen Li report on APEC EPWG
14.5: Pereira report on her multi-country research supported by ASEAN
14.6: Wei-Sen Li reported on PARR – Pan Asian Risk Reduction
15: IRDR Partners in China
15.1: Qian Ye report on Integrated Risk Governance (a Future Earth Core Project)
15.2: Tianha Hong report on UNESCO/HIST protected GeoParks and Biospheres
15.3: Fang Chen report on CAS/TWAS SDIM programme
Note: Agenda items 1,2,4,5,9,10 had no presentations. Presentations are listed in red font and in the agenda’s numerical order (e.g., not necessarily in the order in which they were presented).
Agenda Item 1: Approval of the Agenda
Agenda Item 2: Approval of 12th SC Meeting Report
Agenda Item 2 Cover Sheet
- 2.1: Draft Meeting Report of the 12th IRDR SC meeting
- 2.2: Overview over actions decided on at the 12th IRDR SC meeting [Will be discussed during the meeting]
Agenda Item 3: Review of Outcomes of the 3rd WCDRR
- Presentation: 3.1_IRDR @ 3rd WCDRR _Morris/Klein
Agenda Item 3 Cover Sheet
- 3.1: IRDR at Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3rd WCDRR)
- 3.2: Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
- 3.3: Statement by the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, 14-18 March 2015, Sendai
- 3.4: Voluntary Commitment by ICSU on behalf of the Scientific and Technological Communities Major Group
- 3.5: Carabine E. “Revitalising Evidence-based Policy for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: Lessons from Existing International Science Partnerships.” PLOS Currents Disasters. 2015 Apr 23 . Edition 1.
- 3.6: ICSU (2008). A Science Plan for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk
- 3.7: IRDR Strategic Plan 2013-2017
- 3.8: Mark Pelling (2014). An Impact Assessment for IRDR to track progress on the ‘integration’ agenda
3.9: UNISDR Science and Technology Advisory Group (UNISDR STAG) Post-Sendai Documents:
- Revised STAG Terms of Reference (ToRs)
- Draft Concept Note Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2013, October 21-23, 2015
- Draft Resolution, Establishment of an open-ended Intergovernmental expert working group on indicators and terminology relating to disaster risk reduction
- Proposed Agenda: UNISDR Scientific and Technical Advisory Group Audio-conference, 25th May 2015
- 3.10: Reflections on Phase Two of the IRDR Programme
Agenda Item 4: IRDR Consultative Forum: principles, format, venue, timing, funding
Agenda Item 5:Development of IRDR Bodies (Pt. 1)
Agenda Item 6: IRDR and the IPO Hosting Environment
- Presentation: 6.1_RADI update June1 2015 Liu Jie
- Presentation: 6.2_ IRDR IPO Presentation_1 June 2015 Castleton/Klein
Agenda Item 6 Cover Sheet
- 6.1: Report from the recent PRC government’s audit of the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) [Currently not available]
- 6.2: Statistics – Applications Received (complete and eligible) for the Junior Science Officer Position
- 6.3: CV – Dr Anne Castleton, IRDR’s new Science Officer
Agenda Item 7: Development of IRDR Bodies (Pt. 1)
- 7.4_ICoE proposal on Critical Infrastructures and Strategic Planning_ Birkmann
Agenda Item 7 Cover Sheet
- 7.1: Terms of Reference for IRDR ICoEs
- 7.2: Terms of Reference for IRDR NCs
- 7.3: Expression of Interest for an IRDR ICoE for Disaster Resilient Homes, Buildings and Public Infrastructure (IRDR ICoE-DRHBPI) from the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, Western University, London, Canada
- 7.4: Expression of Interest for an IRDR ICoE on Critical Infrastructures and Strategic Planning
- 7.5: Expression of Interest for an IRDR National Committee in Iran
- 7.6: Expression of Interest for an IRDR National Committee in Argentina (Scientific Risk Commission of Argentina)
Agenda Item 8: Reports / Previews from Co-Sponsors
Agenda Item 9: Next IRDR Meetings
Agenda Item 10: Any Other Business
Agenda Item 11: Reports from IRDR Working Groups (DATA, FORIN, RIA)
- 11.1_IRDR Data Project June 2015_Cutter
- 11.2_FORIN 2015 report_Alcántara-Ayala
- 11.3_RIA update June 2015_Bostrom
Agenda Item 11 Cover Sheet
- 11.1: Guidelines on Measuring Losses from Disasters: Human and Economic Impact Indicators (IRDR DATA Publication No. 2)
- 11.2: The FORIN Project: Understanding the Causes of Disasters (2015)
- 11.3: Pathways for Transformation: Disaster risk management to enhance development goals. Background Paper prepared for the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. Geneva, Switzerland: UNISDR. (IRDR RIA Project Report No. 2)
Agenda Item 12: Reports/Previews from IRDR ICoEs
- 12.3_ICoE_Taipei June 2015_Shih-Chun Candice Lung
- 12.4_ICoE-REaL June 2015_Robyn Pharaoh
- 12.5: IRDR ICoE-CR June 2015 David Johnston
- 12.6: IRDR ICoE-VaRM June 2015_Susan Cutter
- 12.8_ICoE-Taipei & IRDR Japan Flagship project
Agenda Item 12 Cover Sheet
- 12.1: Terms of Reference for IRDR ICoEs
- 12.2: ICoE Guidance Note
- 12.3: IRDR ICoE-Taipei: Presentation for IRDR Science Committee and Co-Sponsoring Organisations
- 12.4: IRDR ICoE-REaL Reporting to IRDR Science Committee and Co-Sponsoring Organisations
- 12.5: IRDR ICoE-CR Update of Activities for the IRDR Science Committee Meeting, 1-5 June 2015
- 12.6: IRDR ICoE-VaRM Summary of Activities January – June 2015
- 12.7: IRDR ICoE-RIA Reporting to IRDR Science Committee and Co-Sponsoring Organisations
Agenda Item 13: Reports from IRDR NCs
- 13.1: IRDR Japan Reporting to IRDR Science Committee and Co-Sponsoring Organisations
- 13.1: IRDR Japan13.1: IRDR Japan: Tsukahara (short film on Tokyo Conference)
- 13.2_IRDR CHINA Update_Chen
- Agenda Item 13 Cover Sheet
Agenda Item 14: Reports from Regional Activities
- 14.2: Alcántara-Ayala report on ICSU ROLAC DRR Activities
- 14.21: Jiménez Díaz report on identifying existing LAC DRR research and institutions
- 14.3: Fakhruddin report on Antalya Expert Forum
- 14.4: Wei-Sen Li report on APEC EPWG
- 14.5: Pereira report on her multi-country research supported by ASEAN
- 14.6: Wei-Sen Li reported on PARR – Pan Asian Risk Reduction
- Agenda Item 14 Cover Sheet