News & Events
Professor Saini Yang Appointed as the New Executive Director of IRDR
08 July 2024
IRDR Introduction Video
23 May 2023
Agreement on IRDR Phase II became effective on May 11 2023
16 May 2023
Science Technology got high priority in DRR Agenda in AMCDRR through its Feature Event
05 November 2016
AMCDRR Featured Event 2: Application of science and technology for prevention of new risks, was successfully held in the morning of November 4, 2016, New Delhi, India.This event was led by Government of India and the collaborators are UNISDR Asian Science
Call for Submission of Case Studies and Good Practices on Co-Designing Disaster Risk Reduction Solutions
04 November 2016
Call for Submission of Case Studies and Good Practices on Co-Designing Disaster Risk Reduction Solutions:Toward Participatory Action and Communication in Science, Technology and AcademiaA. BackgroundFollowing the advent of the Sendai Framework for Disaste
Great success of "Asia Science Technology Academia Stakeholder Group Dialogue" of AMCDRR Pre-Conference Event
03 November 2016
IRDR organized a pre-conference event of AMCDRR--"Asia Science Technology Academia Stakeholder Group Dialogue" while mainly presenting as Science, Technology and Academic sector, on Nov 2,2016, New Delhi.In the conference, Rajib Shaw (executive director o
Apply for "Young Scientists Programme" and Join IRDR Family!
03 November 2016
IntroductionThe Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) calls for enhanced role of science and technology for evidence based decision-making. It also urges the need for innovation and partnership, which is linked to practise and diverse
Register for The International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) Story Maps Competition
26 October 2016
As part of the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU), EUROGEO has today announced two new competitions to be held in conjunction with Esri and the International Geographic Union Commission for Geographic Education. Entrants can win up to 1500
Webinar: The IPCC’s 1.5C Report: critical opportunities for social science to shape the future
14 October 2016
What are the impacts of warming at 1.5°C? What would 1.5°C warming mean for responding to climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty? And what kind of social science research is needed to help answer these questions?Webinar:
RIF-Asia Call for Partners!
13 October 2016
The Asia-Pacific region is home to 40 per cent of all natural disasters and 84 per cent of people affected by natural disasters worldwide. With the region facing such a magnitude of humanitarian and development challenges, there is need for innovation and
Experts of IRDR – Prof. Joern Birkmann and Ass. Prof. Shuaib Lwasa - published together with colleagues from the USA and Europe a new piece in NATURE
29 September 2016
Experts of IRDR – Prof. Joern Birkmann (University of Stuttgart, Member of the Science Committee of IRDR) and Ass. Prof. Shuaib Lwasa (Makerere University, Member and Head of the Science Committee of IRDR) - published together with colleagues from the US
Prof. Ian Burton was awarded the Laureat d’Honneur 2016 from IGU!
27 September 2016
Prof. Ian Burton, former Scientific Committee member of IRDR, was awarded the Laureat d’Honneur 2016 from the International Geographical Union for his pioneering work on the understanding of disasters.This prestigious award was established to recogn
Call for Abstracts: 7th International Conference on Building Resilience
23 September 2016
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS 7th International Conference on Building ResilienceUsing scientific knowledge to inform policy and practice in disaster risk reduction and management Date: 27-29 November 2017Location: Bangk