News & Events
IRDR SC member Shuaib Lwasa at the UGEC Conference on Urban Transitions and Transformations
10 November 2014
The 2nd International UGEC Conference on Urban Transitions and Transformations: Science, Synthesis and Policy” last 6-8 November concluded with forward-looking approaches to new research directions, new collaborations and generation of knowledge in unders
ADPC Career Opportunity: Department Head of Disaster Risk Assessment and Monitoring
09 November 2014
The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from qualified practitioners and professionals.Position Title: Department Head, Disaster Risk Assessment and Monitoring (DRAM)The Department Head-DRAM
German IRDR National Committee convenes workshop on DRR between science and practice
08 November 2014
IRDR's National Committee in Germany (Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V. – DKKV) convened the 14th German National Forum on Disaster Preparedness and Prevention on 4-5 November 2014 at Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ, Leipzig. Under the
“The role of early warning systems”, a workshop of IRDR’s French National Committee
07 November 2014
IRDR’s National Committee in France, AFPCN (Association Française Pour la Prevention des Catastrophes Naturelles or AFPCN), together with the Institut pour la Maitrise des Risques organized a workshop at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers in Par
“Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research”: CODATA Task Group at SciData Conference 2014
06 November 2014
The International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability (SciDataCon) is motivated by the conviction that the most significant research challenges – and in particular the pressing issues relating to global sustainability – ca
Integrated Disaster Risk Management Conference in Canada
05 November 2014
The 5th IDRIM Conference in 2014 highlighted opportunities to reduce risks in the long term, through both science and technology investment and insights and by changing political will and societal behaviour. The conference was hosted by the Western Univer
IRDR International Centre of Excellence co-hosts ISSC seminar on “Sustainable Urbanization”
04 November 2014
The second World Social Science Fellows seminar on sustainable urbanisation, Transformations to Sustainability in Urban Contexts, convened in Taipei last 3 November bringing together 21 scientists who will work together to develop new, interdisciplinary p
Safe Schools Leaders called for worldwide initiative for safe schools
03 November 2014
The first meeting of Safe Schools Leaders in Istanbul, Turkey last 30-31 October, organized by the Government of Turkey in cooperation with UNISDR, called for political commitments to safer schools. By becoming Safe Schools Leaders, Governments are encour
IRDR National Committee in Germany (DKKV) signs MoU with Kyrgyz Republic to strengthen coordination for DRR
31 October 2014
The IRDR National Committee in Germany (German Committee for Disaster Reduction - DKKV) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Secretariat of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction of Kyrgyz Republic to strengthen collaboration bet
5th Digital Earth Summit in Japan
30 October 2014
The 5th Digital Earth Summit will take place in Nagoya, Japan from 9-11 November 2014. With the theme, " Digital Earth for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)", the event aims to bring together nations and institutions to share accomplishments in
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