News & Events
Outcome of the 5th European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction
09 October 2014
Hosted by the Spanish Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias, the Chair of the EFDRR, the 5th European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction was co-organized in collaboration with the Council of Europe (EUR-OPA), European Commission and UNISDR Eu
Turkey presents Report on Governance and Accountability of the HFA
08 October 2014
Turkey, Chair of the Governance and Accountability for DRR Working Group, presented the “Report on Governance and Accountability of the Hyogo Framework for Action: The European Perspective” during the recent European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFD
UN Conference in Samoa generates more than $1.9 billion in partnerships to support Small Island Developing States
03 October 2014
Nearly 300 partnerships between governments, businesses and civil society organizations from all over the world have been registered to support small island developing states bringing the total value of these commitments to over USD $1.9 billion, based fr
Natural Hazards Center to host International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction in Colorado
30 September 2014
The 3rd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction (3ICUDR)  from 28 September 28-  to 1 October 2014 is currently taking place in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Organized by Earthquake Engineering Research Institute and co-hosted by Natural Hazards Ce
Reinforcing Community Resilience through Lead Flood Forecasting in Bangladesh
29 September 2014
Reported by: S.H.M. Fakhruddin, Science Committee Member, IRDRThe Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES) in collaboration with “Strengthening Household Abilities to Responds to Development Opportunity” project or SHOUHARDO-II of CAR
20 World Social Science Fellows to take part in Sustainable Urbanisation Seminar in Taipei
28 September 2014
Twenty talented early career scientists were selected as World Social Science Fellows to take part in the second in a series on Sustainable Urbanisation in Taipei, Taiwan from 2 to 8 November 2014.The seminar is being organised by the ISSC in collaboratio
SciDev reports on the role of science in implementing HFA agenda
26 September 2014
Science is a driving force behind international disaster risk reduction (DRR) and is prominent in a preliminary blueprint for a future framework, says a member of the team leading the process.The ten-year global plan that sets out how various sectors can
Coastal Cities at Risk Project held successful seminar workshop in Manila
25 September 2014
The Coastal Cities at Risk (CCaR) Project, organized a seminar-workshop entitled, “Coastal Cities at Risk Research Project: Building Strategic Alliances for Resilience with Local Government Units in Metro Manila” on 12 September 2014. Hosted by the Manila
Join the Survey: International Day for Disaster Reduction 2014
23 September 2014
The world is changing rapidly. Globalization offers endless economic opportunities, but also has costs. Unsustainable land use and biodiversity loss are happening at an unprecedented speed. Global warming has seen a rise in temperature of about 0.8°C in t
Disaster management conference hits Wellington
22 September 2014
The “chronic underestimation” of New Zealand’s flood risk and the long-term economic impacts of the Christchurch earthquakes will be among the many topics discussed at an international natural hazards conference in Wellington this week.The Australasian Na
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