[SC19]15-16 April 2018 (Beijing, China)
07 May 2021
2018-04-15 09:00 to 2018-04-16 18:00
Beijing, China
19th Meeting of IRDR Scientific Committee
15-16 April 2018
Beijing, China
Note: Items that in blue color can be downloaded.
Part I: Documents available after 18th SC Meeting
- 17TH SC Meeting Minutes (including ICoE collaboration plan)
- 18TH Meeting Minutes of the IRDR Scientific Committee
Part II: Documents for 19th SC Meeting
- Practical Arrangements (for SC members, for Ex-officios&NC&ICoE)
- SC19 SC meeting Agenda (with notes)
- Paricipants List
Day 1 AM/ 15 April 2018/(Restricted to SC members, Co-sponsors, Host and IPO), chaired by Shuaib Lwasa
1. Welcome
- 1.1 From SC Chair
- 1.2 From IRDR Executive Director
- 1.3 From Host
- 1.5 Round Table Introduction
- 2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Co-sponsors Update
- 3.1 ICSU& ISSC (Oversight Meeting Update)
- 3.2 UNISDR Update
- 3.3 Dialogue betwwen Co-sponsors and SC members on the future of IRDR
4. IPO/Host Update
- 4.1 IPO Update
Day 1 PM/ 15 April 2018/(Open to all), chaired by Shuaib Lwasa
5. IRDR Programme Development
- 5.1 Announcement of Decision on New ICoE and NC
- 5.2 IRDR Strategic Plan 2018-2020
- 5.3 IRDR Young Scientists Programme & 2019 DRR Global Youth Forum
- 5.4 Flagship Project: SIDRR
- 5.5 Flagship Project: New Zealand Project
- 5.6 Working Group Discussion
- 5.7 20th SC Meeting- location
Day 2/ 16 April 2018/(Open to all), chaired by Han Qunli
6. Reports, Discussions and Cooperation among NC& ICoE
- 6.1 NC China
- 6.2 NC Japan
- 6.3 ICoE Taipei
- 6.4 ICoE TDDR
- 6.5 ICoE CR
- 6.6 ICoE NEST
- 6.8 ICoE CCOUC
6.10 Collaboration between WG, ICoE, NC
- 6.10.1 WGs Participation
- 6.10.2 Inputs for SFDRR Synthesis Report
- 6.10.3 Synergy in Capacity Building
- 6.10.4 Mapping Experts IRDR
- 6.10.5 Collective IRDR Visibility & Increase Communication Mechanism
7. Future Collaboration
- 7.1 Specific Actions Required for IRDR Publications Report and Plenary Discussion
- 7.2 Belmont Forum Call- Follow up
7.3 New Partnership
- 7.3.1 Sichuan University
- 7.3.3 Beijing Normal University- ASTCDRR 2018
- 8. Wrap Up- Action Points
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